Friday, September 12, 2008

Paper 3

A small scale business may be defined as a business with a small number of employees. The legal definition of a small scale business often varies by country and industry. For example, in the United State, it is basically 100 employees and 50 employees in European Union. Also, the capital based varies by country
A small business is the one which possess at least two of the following four characteristics-
Management: The managers are the owners of the business
Capital is supplied and the ownership is held by an individual or small group
The area of operation is mainly local
The relative size of the firm within its industry must be small when compare with the biggest units in its field.

It will be obvious from the foregoing definitions that the relative size of the firm usually determine in terms of sales volume, investment in asset, number of employees, profit level and other significant quantitative comparisons is considered the most important. In summary, a small business may be defined qualitatively and quantitatively as the one that is:
1. Independently owned
2. Independently managed
3. Highly personalized
4. Highly local in operation
5. Financed mainly from internal source
6. Small sales turn over

Generally, small scale business enterprise plays an important role to a nation
The role of the small scale business enterprise in nation involves more than just increasing per capital incomes; it involves initiating and constitutiting change in the structure of business and society. The change is accompanied by growth and increased output, which allows more wealth to be divided by various participant. What in an area facilities the need change and development? One theory of economic growth depicts innovation as the key, not only in developing new product for the market but also in stimulating investment interest in the new venture being created. This new investment works on the demand and supply sides of growth equation: the new capital created expands the capacity for growth (supply side), and the resultant new spending utilizes the new capacity and output (demand side).

It promotes industrial development in developed and developing countries, and its ability to enhance entrepreneurial and managerial skills

It increases productivity, national income, market leadership, gigantic technology, and industrial skills, increased utilization of local resources, improved spatial distribution of industrial activities and reduction or rural-urban population movement.

Small scale business has to assist in revitalizing areas of the inner-city.

PREVENT MONOPOLY: The existence of small scale industries preserve competition and prevent monopoly regional economic imbalance. Therefore, when there is competition the price of product will be reasonable and affordable.
INDUSTRIAL DEEVELOPMENT: Small scale in developing indigenous entrepreneurial and managerial skill.

EMPLOYMNT OPPORTUNITY: Small scale business helps to create business opportunity in a nation economy. The more employment opportunity, the better the standard of living.

Small scale business as a labour intensive industry is likely to b consistence with employment and income distribution objectives.

It can also enhance the exploitation of untapped industrial opportunities

Flexibility of small scale enterprises enhance their adaptation to change.

Small scale firm create for widely dispersion industries in the society and therefore enhance regional economic balance

Higher value added to domestic economics

Promotion of affective domestic production

Moderation of rural-urban migration..

Production of intermediate goods required production

Promotion indigenous technology
Paper 2

Small Scale Enterprises can be described as enterprise employing between 1-35 people. They utilize by-products or immediate products from larger farms. They also utilize local raw materials. Some defined small/medium Scale Enterprises as those employing less than 100 people in the business. The definitions and figures for medium scale enterprises are as also varied and changing.

While some organizations define small scale enterprises or industries in relations to value of assets, others define it in terms of turnover and number of staff employed. The National Council of Industries defines small scale enterprises as follows:
· Cottage industry costs excluding land not more than N=1million.
· Small Scale costs excluding land but including working capital not more than N=10million.
· Medium total costs excluding land but including working capital above N=40million.

Despite their differences, all these definitions share common ideas that Small Scale Business are generally low in terms of number of persons employed and in the amount of investment and annual business turnover. The main criteria used through out the world to describe SSB include number of employees, sales value, financial strength, relative size, initial capital outlay, comparison with its past standards, independent ownership and type of industry.

Private enterprises especially indigenous small scale firms have a vital role to play in promoting the social and economic well being of the nation, hence indigenous entrepreneurship is likely to be much more important in small scale business than in giant firms.

Development economists are of the opinion that labour intensive industries can enhance employment generation as well as advance wide variety of developmental goals like improved income distribution, generation and diffusion of technology, industrial skills, increased utilization of local resources, improved spatial distribution of industrial activities and reduction of rural-urban population movement.

In view of the impact of small scale industries in improving the socio-economic condition of a nation, most developed and developing countries have made initiatives to promote indigenous entrepreneurship in small scale business.

Small Scale Business is the back bone of successful economies like USA where over 23 million small businesses employ more than 50% of the private workforce and generate more than half of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product.

In European Union, small scale businesses are seen as essential for European employment. Each year 1 million new small scale businesses are set up in the EU. Small Scale Industries account for 99.8% of all companies and 65% of business turn over in the EU.

In Taiwan, 70% of jobs are generated by production activities that employ less than 20 workers each.

It is undoubtedly accepted that, small scale business form the bedrock of any nation’s industrial take off especially in a typical developing country like Nigeria. Some of the importances are:

Small Scale Business provides more employment per unit of capital invested because they are generally more labour intensive. They have done wonderfully well by reducing the rate of unemployment in Nigeria by creation of jobs for unemployed youth thereby reducing the rate of crime.

Small Scale Business would aid larger industries by manufacturing raw materials input and generally act as catalyst to larger industries thereby generating the desired forward and back forward linkages required to build a healthy vibrant industrial base.

They encourage indigenous entrepreneurship which will help to develop manpower techniques. They will also help develop our non-oil sector especially agro allied industries which may offset rural migration.

Small Scale Business will help form the technological base where such industries would start from small units operating technology to suit our particular needs and utilizing local value of resources products, equipment and manpower.

They generally source their materials locally while a good number of larger units rely on imported raw materials. In this era of scarce foreign exchange, industries that source their raw materials locally stand a better chance of becoming more prosperous.

By establishing small scale industries in every nook and cranny of the country has brought about equal and even economic balance and distribution of wealth. Small Scale firms create for widely dispersion of industries in the society and therefore enhance regional economic balance. There is no part of the region that is left without developing.

With the establishment of small scale industries in local areas, most people that migrate to the urban areas in search of greener pastures are remain in the local areas to get jobs and this has resulted in the development of rural areas as well.
An overall look at the SSB sector would reveal macro-economic facts pointing to development that would enhance more income parity, raise capacity utilization of industries, lower inflation by producing more and creating competition.

Further development of SSB would also increase Gross Domestic Product and will overall raise the standard of living of all Nigerians.

Small Scale Business


Critiques of the Nigerian economy and economic policies abound and several solutions to the country's economic problems have been proposed by genuine nationalists, patriots, friends and cynics. A large sum of money has been spent on the services of consultants to obtain expert opinions on much of the now well-known problems of Nigeria. From all these may be articulated the general con­clusion that there have been, through the years, several inconsistencies in many aspects of the national economic policies which have seemed to render them antagonistic to laid down objectives. The existing incentives to industry are at variance with the priorities spelt out in various development plans the findings by reference to industries based on domestic raw materials.

According to reports agro-allied and export industries based on imported raw materials are accorded a low priority in theory but attract 'very high' incentive. Report claimed that a study of 74 industrial activities in Nigeria concluded that the existing structure of incentives showed a bias against agro-allied industries, against industries based on mining or forestry, against the few sectors which were able to compete in the world markets, against industries processing domestic raw materials but in favour of industries that process imported raw materials and companies assembling imported components for the Nigerian domestic market.

The present paper attempts to identify some concrete issues which should form the basis of consistent policies. It is their absence in the observed system that creates the impressions of "lack of fit" which is so aptly observed by both Nigerian nation­als and their critiques, paid and unpaid. The main focus here is on the small scale industrial sector. The emphasis is on how its development may be based on the adop­tion of adequate financial strategies and development of the Nation's resource en­dowments.

The special features of small-scale industry (SSI)
As a result of several legal and administrative actions necessary for the promotion and development of SSI, all countries have at any given time a definition of SSI. These are defined by reference to certain specified parameters such as number of employees, amount of money invested or mode of management, among others. It is difficult to set exclusive criteria; some popular criteria may be helpful in understanding the essence of the classification.

Nigerian economy depends on the recognition of SMEs
Historical facts show that prior to the late 19th century, cottage industries, mostly small and medium scale businesses controlled the economy of Europe. The industrial revolution changed the status quo and introduced mass production. The twin oil shocks during the 1970s undermined the mass production model, which triggered an unexpected reappraisal of the role and importance of small and medium sized enterprises in the global economy. Findings by economists over the years show that small firms and entrepreneurships play a much more important role in economic growth and development

Small and medium businesses was a tradition confined to economic development studies that focus on the role of enterprises in encountering poverty as well as in employment in poor countries. It is worth mentioning that the conception of big companies as the cornerstone of modern economy dates back on the onset of the industrial revolution and the concept of large-scale economies, small businesses were never viewed in terms of their ability to play a key role in the economy, but rather a source for big companies.

Importance of SMEs
Many economies, developed and developing have come to realise the value of small businesses. They are seen to be characterised by dynamism, witty innovations, efficiency, and their small size allows for faster decision-making process. Governments all over the world have realised the importance of this category of companies and have formulated comprehensive public policies to encourage, support and fund the establishment of SME's. Developments in small and medium enterprise area sin quo non for employment generation, solid entrepreneurial base and encouragement for the use of local raw materials and technology.

The economic contribution and benefits of small scale industry
The relevance of SSI to economic development is hotly debated but the consensus clearly endorses its usefulness. The mechanism of its contribution, however, remains a contested issue. On the side of optimism ar­ticulate the roles of SSI as follows:-
v They are an integral element in the socio-economic structure at all stages of develop­ment.
v They are intermediary stabilisers as well as positive dynamic promoters of economic development.
v They are valuable tools for regional development and industrial decentralization.
v They provide employment outside the cities and can proliferate industrial growth centres within a short time span.
v They provide a wide base for flexible economic activities.
v They complement large industry as ancillaries and sub-contractors; as parts, components and other consumption
v Items suppliers, they help large industry to carry out sound production activities and reduce the outflow of foreign exchange through im­port substitution.
v They make an impressive contribution to employment, industrial production and ex­ports.
v Contribution to the economy in terms of output of goods and services;
v Creation of jobs at relatively low capital cost, especially in the fast growing service sector;
v Provide a vehicle for reducing income disparities;
v Develop a pool of skilled and semi-skilled workers as a basis for the future industrial expansion
v Improve forward and backward linkages between economically, socially and geographically diverse sectors of the economy.
According to the study conducted based on a survey of a considerable number of new enterprises, in an attempt to attain a better understanding of inventions and innovations, emphasis was made on enterprises that were established and existed for 10 years,1983-1986 and survive until 1993.
The findings of this assisted in spreading and disseminating the importance and roles of small industries in innovation and inventions. For instance, small enterprise operating in the field of electronics and related fields had very clear inventions and innovations as other enterprises engaged in other industrial activities managed to introduce inventions and innovations in their pertinent fields. Thus, inventions and innovations enhance the capacity of the enterprise to persist and compete in the enhance skills of employees.

Thus, the importance of the relationship between innovation and enterprise growth is very clear. the successful new enterprises and most capable of growing are those enterprises that had innovative and creative activities in the form of new products,technologies,human resources development or dissemination of new technologies. This played a key role in having an active and dynamic economy as well as a high productivity for the small businesses, the use of computer, for instance, decreased the cost in small businesses. The important of these factors varies between developing and developed countries whereas inventions,innovations,market modernization and creation of new enterprise are of primary importance in the developed countries, contribution to employment ,creation of employment opportunities and encountering poverty are of parallel importance in developing countries too. Thus developed countries showed inclination to explore and study patents filled by small businesses

The small-scale business sector is currently one of the fastest growing and important sectors as far as labour absorption and poverty reduction are concerned. This is so especially when the state sector is downsizing. Small businesses also serve as seedbeds for entrepreneurs, contribute to more balanced development and facilitate the process of adjustment in large enterprises, by emerging as competent suppliers of products and services previously not available in the market place. At a sectoral level, it is estimated that micro and small enterprises (MSEs) account for 75 per cent of all new jobs created and 61 per cent of all wage employment. This sector contributes 15 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP) and constitutes 98 per cent of all businesses in the country. The sector also embodies most of the potential for future growth, and has championed most of the transformation in the nation.

The immediate effect of the deregulation of national markets and devaluation has
been large price hikes which have resulted in a dramatic reduction in the buying power and
contractions in the local market in both rural and urban areas. Retrenchment in the public sector has further contributed to reduced purchasing power. Cheaper consumer goods imports from other states and second hand clothes from the United States and Europe have saturated the local market. On the supply side, downsizing in the public sector has caused intense competition among small enterprises. This is mainly due to the large number of new entrants who also happen to possess superior skills and levels of education. Presumably, small enterprises have been the most vulnerable to both the contracting domestic market and increased competition.

Despite the preceding structural changes, economic agents operate in business
environments characterized by fragmented and incomplete information where awareness
of markets, technology, policy, regulations and finance is limited. For micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and enterprises located in rural areas, these problems are more accurate. This constraint adversely affects entrepreneurial activity since the absence of information impinges on the scope for discovery of profitable opportunities.

In the context of globalization, it is doubtful how these enterprises will take advantage of
emerging opportunities in local and export markets in the presence of both imperfect
markets and information. Markets, therefore, fail poor entrepreneurs not just in terms of
information chain processes but also in terms of input - they do not provide enough raw

It is acknowledged that information is a basic requirement for enterprise creation, growth
and survival, and that information and communications technologies (ICTs) are capable of
easing information gaps in the business sector. Unfortunately, little is known about institutions governing information flow in the MSE sector; the implementation of socially equitable projects; and perceptions of entrepreneurs about the information and communication technologies. Since networks are known to facilitate the flow, sharing and dissemination of information, it is important to understand how these social institutions operates. Since communication is essentially a social process, the essence of communication and development should not be to change people, but to give. It must be noted that, though understanding information gaps is important, information is not the be-all and end-all of enterprise development. Enterprise development is a multi-dimensional process that requires an understanding of other critical factors such as credit, skills, markets, finances, and so on.