Monday, August 25, 2008

Effect of Motivation on Workers Productivity


Motivation is concerned with why people do what they do. It answers such questions as why do managers or workers got o work and do a good job. This tries to explain what motivates people to act the way they do, with primary focus on the work place. It is the primary task of the manager to create and maintain an environment in which employees can work efficiently to realize the objectives of the organization.

Employees differ not only in their ability to work but also in their will to do so (motivation). To motivate is to induce, persuade, stimulate, even compel, an employee to act in a manner which fulfills the objectives of an organization. The motivation of employees depends on the strength of their motives. Motives are needs, wants, drives, or impulses within the individual, and these determine human behaviour.

Motivation then is the process of:
v Arousing behaviour.
v Sustaining behaviour in progress, and
v Channeling behaviour into a specific course of action.

Thus, motives (needs, desires) induce employees to act. Motivation, therefore, is the inner state that energies, channels, and sustains human behaviour.

Since it has been established that all behaviour except involving responses are goals directed, manager can apply motivational theories of management in their attempt to direct the job behaviour of employees towards the goal of their establishment.

Workers leave organization due to the fact that they are not motivated enough. Some are not willing to leave because they are enjoying some benefit in terms of promotion which leads to increase in salaries and wages, bonuses and some other incentives.

Organizations must improve the work performance, productivity, skills and ability of its employees. The problem is how to motivate workers to achieving higher productivity.

Some of the research questions are:
1. To what extent does the personnel policy implemented by your company affect your productivity?

2. How often does the company embark on staff training and development?

3. Does your company clearly/respect trade union position of its employees?

4. Are there differences in the way staff and workers are t4eated in the organization?

5. Is joint consultation practiced positively, as a method of obtaining employees views on problems and proposed charges before final decisions are taken?

The research hypotheses are:
Hypothesis I:
HO: The more there is effective motivation, the less the morale of employees.
H1: The more there is effective motivation, the more the moral of employees.

Hypothesis II:
HO: Adoption of motivational techniques will automatically decrease the workers productivity.
H1: Adoption of motivational techniques will automatically increase the workers productivity.

Hypothesis III:
HO: the success of an organization does not depend on the motivational procedures being adopted.
H1: The success of an organization depends on the motivational procedures being adopted.

The study is to ascertain the motivational activities of Intercontinental bank Plc.
a. To ascertain the application of the motivational techniques by the organization concerned.

b. To know the problem inhibiting the success of the employees’ motivation in the organization.

c. To know the response of the employees to motivational techniques adopted by the organization.

d. To provide solutions and recommendations where necessary on the best and effective motivational techniques used in the organization.

This project covers the aspect of motivation in persuading, stimulating and compelling an employee to act in a manner which fulfills the objectives of the organization.

One cannot but say that data collection is the most tedious of writing the project.

Another limitation is that the researcher being a student who has to read other courses as well as to take normal lectures during the period of the research may be limited by time given for the study being too short.

Lastly, the fund constraint in carrying out this research project, the cost of getting materials and information as well as their adequacies will also constitute the limitation of the study.

The significance of this study cannot be over-emphasized. It will be base don the examination of the motivation practice in Intercontinental Bank Plc, and to know the extent to which it is being carried out, the effects on the workers, the organization and the country at large. Moreso, to acquaint the various managers and different categories of employees to the need to embrace motivation which will go along way in achieving higher productivity.

Besides, those students in the field of administration will find it educative, interesting and challenging in that, the various activities and techniques of motivation are revealed and logically analyzed.

Lastly, this project will be of value to those who may want to carry out similar research in the nearest future.

Intercontinental Bank Plc came into existence in March, 1989 as a product of the partnership between some visionary and dynamic Nigerian businessmen, to provide innovative and customer-focused products and services that will satisfy the publics’ growing need for sophisticated banking services. Since its inception then a s Nigerian Intercontinental Merchant Bank Limited, the bank has been providing a wide array of products and services covering investment banking, retail and funds management.

Since its debut in t eh commercial banking field, Intercontinental Bank Plc has pursued an aggressive branch network expansion programme. As at March, 2005, the Bank has 63 branches making it sixth largest bank in the country in terms of network.

A socially responsible organization, Intercontinental Bank maintains a long-standing policy of corporate responsibility to the communities in which it operates, and has made impact in the areas of public health and education.

In July, 1991, the Bank converted to a commercial bank and later obtained a Universal Banking License to avail many more customers of its unique products and services as well as tap into other market opportunities in the Nigerian economy. Following a resolution of the Board in October, 2001, the Bank changed to a Public Limited Liability Company in June, 2002 and followed it up in July same year with an Initial Public Offering (IPO). The capitalization of the Bank was further boosted with N3.58 billion being proceeds of the IPO and by mid 2004, the Bank’s shareholders’ funds had grown to N10 billion before the new minimum capital base of N25 billion was set by the regulators. Consequently, the Bank returned to the capital market and raised new funds totaling N22.4 billion thereby growing its shareholders’ fund to N34.7 billion. The Bank’s shares are listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE).

Motivation: This is the process of arousing behaviour, sustaining behaviour in progress, and channeling behaviour into a specific course of action.

Management: This is the process of getting things done through people. It involves planning, organizing, staff, directing, coordinating and controlling both human and material resources for the purpose of achieving a set goal.

Responsibility: This is the subordinate’s obligation to perform a duty which has been assigned to him.

Leadership: Is a process of using non-coercive influence to direct and coordinate the activities of group members towards goals’ accomplishment.

Manager: Is one who performs the functions of management (planning, organizing, staffing, etc) and occupiers a formal position in an organization.

Organization: This has to do with determination and provision of capital, material, equipment and personnel that may be required in an enterprise in order to achieve the set goals.

Organizational Structure: This is the established pattern of relationships among the components of the organization.

Organizational Chart: It is a diagram that shows the arrangement, positions and interrelationship of various component parts of company.

Employee: This is a person who is paid to work for an organization or business enterprise.

Behaviour: Is the manner that someone, an animal, a plant etc do thing sin a particular way.

Department: Any of the division or unit of a government, business, school or college and so on.

Employees’ Services: This is the maintaining of the general welfare of employees on the job and assisting with problems related to their security and personal wellbeing e.g. medical services and insurance protection.


Ajayi Nelson (1991): Managerial Planning and Control, Ibadan: U.I. Press Limited.

Akintunde, A.D. (2005): How to Motivate Workers to Achieve Higher Productivity, Unpublished ND Business Studies Polytechnic Ibadan, Oyo State.

Donely Gibson (1984): Fundamental of Management Plan, New York: Texas Business Company.

Intercontinental Bank Plc (2005): Annual Report and Accounts.

Kolawole, E.O. (2002): The Effectiveness of Auditor Report on Management Decision-Making of Some Selected Companies in the Insurance Industry, Unpublished B.Sc. Accounting University of Ado, Ekiti, David Binders & partners, Lagos.


Business organization exists to produce goods and services, which they hope to exchange for money to maximize profit. In the pursuit of these defined objectives, the organization procures resources and processed them into output. Of the resources acquired, the human factor has been described as the most significant because if not properly managed, it can deliberately retard organizational effectiveness.

Evidence abounds to attest to the fact that all employees do not exert the same effort towards organizational goals or in other words, some employees achieve better results than others.

To achieve results, employees will exhibit the required job behaviour. The dilemma that managers face in today’s business is how they could get employees to exhibit the required job behaviour in the work place. Since it has been established that all behaviours except involuntary responses are goals directed, managers can apply motivational theories of management in their attempt to direct the job behaviour of employees towards the goal of their establishment.

A number of concepts have been established to explain the phenomenon of human motivation. It is useful to classify these concepts into two broad categories, which are: Content theories and Process theories.

These emphasized reason for motivated behaviour and or what causes it. They explain behaviour in terms of specific ‘needs’ or ‘motive’ (the two terms used interchangeably here). Content theories help to represent physiological or psychological deficiencies that an individual feels some compulsion to eliminate. Some of the major content theories are:
v Hierarchy of needs - Abraham Maslow
v ERG - Clayton Alderfer
v Two Factor Theory - Fredrick Hertzberg
v Learned Needs Theory - David McClelland.

In 1943, Abraham Maslow in a seminar paper titled, “A Theory of Human Motivation” proposed that a person’s motivational needs could be arranged in a hierarchical order. Inherent in this hierarchical order of needs is that once a given level of need is satisfied, it no longer serves to motivate rather the next higher level of need has to be activated in order to motivate the individual. Maslow identifies five levels of needs, which are:
Ø Physiological Needs: These are the basic human needs to sustain life as food, clothing, and shelter. Until these basic needs are satisfied to the degree needed, needs for the sufficient operation of the body, the majority of a person activity will probably be a t this level and other needs will provide little or no motivation. But once the physiological needs have been satisfied, other levels of needs become important and these motivate and dominate the behaviour of the individual.

Ø Safety or Security Needs: These needs are essential, the desire to be free of the fear of physical danger and the deprivation of the basic physiological needs. This is a need for self-preservation and the concern for the future. If an individual’s safety or security need is in danger, other things seem unimportant. Maslow stressed emotional as well as physical safety. “The whole organism may become a safety-seeking organism”. Yet, as it is true of the physiological needs, once these safety needs are satisfied, they no longer motivate.

Ø Social or Affiliation Need: In the original version of Maslow’s theory, he used the word “Love” to describe the need for attention and affiliation. This however has been modified by the post Maslow theorist for the word love may include sexual relationship, which is a physiological need. Social need include the need to belong and be accepted by people, this also means belongingness, acceptance and friendship.

Ø Esteem Needs: The esteem needs represents self-esteem and recognition from others. The satisfaction of these needs produces feelings of self-confidence, prestige, power and control. People being to feel that they are useful and have some effect on their environment.

Ø Self-Actualization: This is the need to maximize one’s potential whatever, it may be as Maslow expressed it, “What a man be, he must be”. It is also the desire to become what one is capable of becoming. These needs as presented by Maslow can be arranged in a hierarchy presented below.
Social Needs
Safety Needs
Physiological Needs

Higher Needs

Lower Needs

Source: Cherington, D.J. Organizational Behaviour,
2nd Edition, Mass Allyn and Bacon, 1994:136 (Adapted)

The ERG Theory propounded by Clayton Alderfer is indeed a reaction of Maslow’s Theory. He argued that there are three core needs which he classified as “Existence, Relatedness and Growth” (ERG).

The Existence need has to do with the satisfaction of our basic material requirements such as food, water, pay and working conditions, they can be classified as physiological and safety needs.

The relatedness need is similar to the social role needs of Maslow’s Theory and this includes social and interpersonal relationship.

Finally, the Growth needs are intrinsic desire for personal development or making creative productive contribution.

Furthermore, Alderfer argued that if the gratification of a higher-level order need is stifled, the desire to satisfy a lower level need increase i.e. frustration, regression and dimension. In other words, if a person fails to satisfy a higher-level need, he/she moves back to a lower-level need, which then acts as a motivating force.

This frustration – regressive – dimension can be illustrated below.
Frustration of
Growth Needs
Importance of Growth Needs
Satisfaction of Growth Needs
Frustration of
Relatedness Existence
Importance of Relatedness Needs
Satisfaction of Relatedness Needs
Frustration of
Existence Needs
Importance of Existence Needs
Satisfaction of Existence Needs

Source: Gibson Ivancevich and Donnelly 1997, Organizational Irwin. McGraw Hill, Boston.

David McClelland proposed learned needs of motivation, which according to him is associated with learning concepts. He identified three needs that motivate people. these are:
The need for achievements.
The need for affiliation.
The need for power.

The need for achievement: This is the need/desire to set challenging goals, work to achieve the goals or the drive to excel in relation to set standards. The need for achievement is defined by the following desires, “to accomplish something difficult: to master, manipulate or organize physical objects human beings or ideas. To rival and surpass others. To increase self-regard by the successful exercise of talent.

The need for affiliation: This is the need to be liked and accepted by others. People with the need strive for friendship, prefer cooperative situations rather than competitive situations and desire relationship involving a high degree of mutual understanding. People with a high need for affiliation prefer to spend more time maintaining social relationship, joining groups, etc. individual with a high degree of this need are not effective managers or leaders because they will find it difficult to make decisions without worrying about the feeling of others or being disliked by others.

The need for power: This is the dislike to have impact, to be influence and to control others. They also have the desire to coach, teach or encourage others to achieve, they love to work and are concerned with discipline and self-respect. The need for power has both negative and positive sides. The negative side is manifested in a winner’s takes all mentality e.g. “if I win, you lose”. The positive side is focused on accomplishing group goals and helping others obtain the feeling of competence.

These are theories that describe and analyzed how behaviour is energized, directed, sustained and stopped. While it is true that people work in order to satisfy their needs, some employees want to work and do good job and in some case, employees may exhibit effort beyond the level where the reward surpassed their need. It is therefore the duty of management to provide an environment that facilitates high-level of performance. Because at this point, what motivates the employee is not the desire to satisfy their needs but rather factors in the environment. This is the basis of the process theories of motivation.

Three of the process theories of motivation will be discussed here, these are:
· Goal setting theory.
· Expectancy theory.
· Equity theory.

a. Goal Setting Theory: This theory was propounded by Edwin Locke (1968)
Directing One’s
Regulating One’s Effort
Increasing One’s Performance
Encouraging of the Development of Goal Attainment Strategies of Action Plan

Goals Motivate the Individual
By -------------------
Task Performance

A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance.

According to the above model proposed by Locke, goals setting have four motivational mechanisms:
a. Goals Direct Attention: behaviours are goal-oriented. Goals that are personally meaningful tend to focus one’s attention on what is relevant and important. This is because the perceived outcome of such behaviour is desired and cherished by the person exhibiting the behaviour.

b. Goals Regulate Effort: The level of effort exhibited is proportionate to the difficulty of the goal. In other words, a goal that appears difficult to attain will elicit a greater effort if personally desired. On the other hand, easily attained goals will require little efforts.

c. Goals Increase Persistence: Persistence here means the effort expended on a task over an extended period of time. In the pursuance of an objective or a goal, difficulties may arise, there is always the tendency for people to abandon the pursuit of this goal or objective where they are not personally involved in the setting of the goal. On the contrary, when people are involve din the goal setting process, they are likely t o persist in their effort towards attaining the goals.

d. Goals Foster Strategies and Action Plans: Setting of goals or stating performance standard is the first step towards attaining these goals. However, it is important to ask the question, “How are the goals going to be achieved?” When goals are set, it encourages people going to be achieved. When goals are set, it encourages people to develop strategies and action plans that will enable them achieve the goals.

In 1964, Victor Vroom proposed an Expectancy Theory of Motivation in which he defined motivation as a process governing choice among alternative form of voluntary activity.

To understand the individual’s choice of voluntary activities, it is important to first appreciate certain concepts that are embedded in the expectancy theory. These concepts are:
Ø Outcome: This is the result of doing a particular thing. The outcome can be first level or second level. The first level outcomes are the product of behaviour associated with doing the job such as productivity and absenteeism, while the second level outcomes are the product of the first level outcome, which include punishment and reward.

Ø Instrumentality: This is the individual perception or belief that the first level outcome is associated with the second level outcome. Instrumentality ranges from – 1 to + 1.

-1 Instrumentality is the perception that attainment of second level outcome is certain without the first level outcome and that second level outcome is impossible with first level outcome.

+1 instrumentality is the perception that first level outcome is necessary and sufficient for the second level outcome to occur.

0 Instrumentality is the perception that there is no linkage between first level and second level outcomes.

Ø Valence: This is the preference for outcome. Among the second level outcomes which of them do the student for example prefer? Does the student desire an A,B,C,D,E, or F score in the examination or a first class, second class upper, second class lower, third class or pass?

Ø Expectancy: This refers to the individual belief concerning the likelihood or subjective probability that a particular behaviour will be followed by a particular outcome. That is an exhibited behaviour can elicit a particular outcome. Expectancy ranges from 0 to + 1.

O Expectancy: This implies that there is no chance of the occurrence of an outcome after the behaviour.

+1 Expectancy: This implies that the outcome will certainly follow the behaviour.

Ø Force (M): This is equated to motivation. The intent of expectancy theory is to assess the magnitude and direction of all the forces acting on the individual. The act associated with the greatest force is most likely to occur.

Ø Ability (A): This refers to a person’s potential for doing a job. Ability could be physical or mental.

Vroom used a mathematical equation to integrate these concepts into a predictive model of motivational force. Expectancy theory is therefore based on the following principles:

V = E (V2 x I) i.e. the valence associated with t he various first level outcome is a sum of the multiplication of valences (V2) attached to all second level outcomes with their respective instrumentality (I).

(2) M = F (VI x E): Motivation is a multiplicative of the valences for each first level outcome (VI) and the perceived expectancy (E) that a given behaviour w ill be followed by a particular first level outcome. If expectancy is low, there will be low motivation.

(3) P = F (M x A): The performance of a job is a multiplicative function of motivation (forces) and ability.

The equity theory of motivation developed by Stacey Adams holds that individuals who work in exchange for rewards from organization are motivated by a desire to be equitably treated at work. Four importance components are involve din the equity theory. These are:
v Person: The individual for whom equity or inequity is perceived.

v Comparison other: Any individual or group used by person as a referent regarding the ratio of inputs and outcomes.

v Inputs: These are the individual characteristics brought to the job by the person. These inputs are the factors the individual considers when making equity comparison. They include:
§ Time
§ Education/training.
§ Experience
§ Skills.
§ Creativity.
§ Seriously.
§ Age
§ Personality trait.
§ Effort expended
§ Personal appearance.

v Outcomes: These are what a person receives from the job or what he/she gets in exchange with his/her inputs. Factors to be considered under outcome when making equity comparism include:
§ Pay/bonuses.
§ Fring benefit.
§ Challenging assignment.
§ Job security.
§ Career advancement.
§ Status symbols.
§ Pleasant/safe working environment.
§ Opportunity for personal growth/development.

His approach is similar to that of Maslow though more practical. He has broken motivation into two. The hygiene/disatisfier and the motivators/satisfier. The lower level needs are identified as Hygiene factors and t eh higher level needs are motivators. Security need and the social needs while the higher-level needs comprise the ego/esteem needs and the self-actualization needs.

Hygiene factors are those absence of which cause dissatisfaction and indifference when present e.g. salary, working condition, inter-personal relation supervision company policy and administration. Motivators are those the absence of which does not demotivate workers while the presence really motivate them e.g. Responsibility, career growth and advancement, achievement recognition and job enrichment.

He was a contemporary of Taylor in the management movement. Gantt was one of the first to give major attention to human relations in industry – particularly humanizing management science, as distinguished from Taylor’s emphasis on financial incentives. Well, Gantt’s first original contribution to management science was his concept of the “Task and Bonus” system of wage payment, which differed from Taylor’s piece rate system in that Gantt believed that scientific management should entail the study of problems according to the scientific methods, moreso these tasks or incentives to motivate. According to him, when these are accomplished, efficiency will be enhanced.

Another notable contribution of Gantt in this movement is the fact that he stressed the point that the training of workers should be the sole responsibility of management. This is evidently in practice in majority of organizations today.

His theories were borne out of the criticism of Hawthorne research. According to mayor, no change in any work condition could result solely from physical change but rather such a change could only occur as a result of the change in workers attitude. At the bottom of t eh triangle are t eh needs of our animalistic nature for self-preservation for sleep, food including shelter etc. These are the basic needs once satisfied they cease to be strong motivators to increase productivity or action. Thus, as human beings to feel more materially secured his higher needs for self-expression will begin to be strong. It follows, therefore, that, in stable circumstances and with proper management, the majority of the men can be self-directed if they become committed to an objective they value. They will not only accept responsibility but often will seek it, then to work will be as natural as to eat or to sleep as in McGregor’s Theory Y.

In other words, man can be self-motivated. The task of the manager (as one who accomplishes his objectives through others) is to create conditions of work in which and through which self-motivations can find its release. In situations where this is difficult to achieve as in dull, repetitive work, higher pay remains the paramount importance. Since workers are forced to find satisfaction outside the work situations.

He believe in group decision-making, which is constant with individual responsibility. McGregor is more particularly, for his influential model in which he contrasts two views of man in the working situations.

This, he, conveniently termed Theory X and Y. According to Theory X, he prosecuted that:
The average person has an inherent dislike for work and w ill try to avoid it if possible.

The average person lacks ambition, dislikes work responsibility and preferred to be closely directed, coerced, controlled, and threatened with punishment to get him to put forth adequate effort towards the achievement of corporate objectives.

The average person is resistance to change.

The average person is by nature self-centred and indifference to corporate goals.

On the other hand, theory Y says the above is not totally true because:
· The average person is not (as a fact) by nature, passive or resistant to the organization needs. That the expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest.

· In fact, external control and the threat of punishment are not the only means for bringing about efforts towards organizational goals. Particularly, economic benefits and job security, as a fact, are just only two of the possible rewards desired by the average man.

· The average human being leans, under the ideal conditions, to accept and seek responsibilities – wants to exercise autonomy and creativity to aid his/her growth ant eh accomplishment of corporate objectives.

In view of the above assumptions, McGregor thinks that the best managers could do is to use both theories (since they are “legitimate” beliefs about the nature of man that influence managers) to adopt one strategy than another situationally – that is, depending upon a prevailing situation, a manager who holds the belief, say, of theory X, could adopt a considerable array of strategies (either X or Y).

Several management scholars have given several definitions of motivation. According to Middle Most and Hitt (1981), “Motivation is the willful desire to direct one’s behaviour toward goals. The three key elements in this definition are willful desire (Person’s choice), behaviour, and goal-directed purpose of behaviour.

Wallace and Andrews Zilagy (1994) opine that “Motivation is a dynamic process that, motivate, energizes, directs and determines change in behaviours. It must be understood from the onset that motivation is not only rewards and punishment; it includes ideas, expectations and experience. When it comes to motivation, people mostly act on perception and not reality”.

Lakin Folajin (2001), spoke at motivation as term used generally when somebody is stimulated, the interest of a workers so as to be able to work and bring or breeds efficiency in his work.

Luthans (1998), Motivation is a process which starts with a physiological or psychological deficiency or need that activates behaviour at a drive that is aimed of a goal or incentive.

Ateman and Snell (1999) see motivation as the forces that energizes, direct and sustains a person’s effort.

Robbins (2001) defines motivation as the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort towards attaining a goal.

Joena Agbato (1988) says “motivation is an important determinant of human behaviour, it sit ht which movies one towards a goal, thus, motivation begat performance”.

Translated, it means when one is motivated, it precipitates a behaviour and this leads to performance. This means (100%) that one is positively motivated. It leads to positive behaviours and thus writes’ agree that motivated behaviour is goal-directed behaviours, which is behaviour resulting from internal drives. This internal devices or (tension) are the roof of motivation. Hence, it is important for managers to motivate behaviour so as to reduce these ‘tension’ even though it has been agreed that these motivation behaviour are “innate”. It should be stated, that sometime, external force can dominate and determine behaviour. Yet, at other times, it is directed towards self-satisfaction. Most significantly, behaviour is directed to obtain want, which will satisfy needs.

Ricky Griffin (1984) defined ‘motivation’ as a cyclical process affecting the inner needs that he or she wants to satisfy. Although there are certain common human needs, each person also has his own particular needs. Our strong needs provide us with personal goals that satisfy needs.

The intensity of needs and drive varies widely from one person to another. It is the strongest drive. The sound manager therefore, tries t o recognize the strong need especially the dominating ones in particular individuals. By so doing, he is able to understand his subordinates or employees and this will go a long way in achieving the enterprise objectives.




In conclusion, Gibson (1997) defined motivation as the concept used to describe the forces acting on or within an individual to initiate and direct behaviour.

The definition by Gibson portends two basic classifications of variables that could motivate people to work. These are variables acting on the individuals, these variables are external (process) therefore can be controlled by other people. The other set of variables are the variables acting within the individual (content) these variables are internal and reflects the state of need of the individual.

From these definitions, three basic elements can be seen as inherent in the concept of motivation. These elements are:
v Intensity: This refers to the degree of effort exerted by an individual or employee towards organizational goals. Employees put up different degrees of effort in achieving organizational goals.

v Direction: This refers to the area in which the employee directs his effort to, within the organization. If employee’s efforts are not directed towards organizational goal then the efforts are exercised in futility.

v Persistence: This refers to the extent to which effort or behaviour can be sustained. A t the commencement of work, a new employee is likely to exhibit a high degree of effort towards the organizational goals, but for how long can this employee sustain this effort?

The linkage between these three elements and job performance can be presented as a model of motivation as below:




Intensity of Effort
Direction of Effort
Persistence of Effort

Motivational Behaviour

Performance Input Output


Performance Evaluation of Goal Accomplished
Reward or
Reward or
Search for ways to satisfy needs
Goal directed behaviour

The Employee



Model I: This model identifies the inputs to a motivations process as needs; perceive rewards, sanction and the situation.

The manifestation of these inputs varies from one individual to another and therefore the extent to which inputs manifest themselves in intensity of effort, direction of effort and persistency of effort also differs. The combination of these three variables will lead to a highly motivated behaviour; in other words, the absence of any of these three variables may timber the actualization of goals.

Model II: Motivation begins with the manifestation of a need. A need is a perceived state of deficiency, which if left unsatisfied, causes tension and anxiety in the needy. Needs are created whenever there is a physiological or psychological imbalance Luthans (1998).

The normal human being will like to remain or stay in a position of physiological or psychological balance or on the other hand the normal human being dislike a state of tension and anxiety (State I) therefore, the corollary of need deficiencies to search for ways of satisfying their needs (Stage II). having found ways to satisfy his needs, the employee or individual begins to exhibit some goal direct behaviour such as attendance, and other job behaviour (Stage III) with the belief that these behaviours will lead to goal attainment.

The outcome of these behaviours exhibited in Stage III are evaluated by the employee’s manager. At this stage, the manager tries to ascertain the extent to which the employee has attained organizational goal or if there is a gap between actual performance and desired performance.

Depending on the outcome of Stage IV, the employee is either rewarded for performance or punished for non-performance Stage V. At Stage VI, the employee or individual re-assessed his or her need deficiencies. At this point, effort search for a different avenue to actualize the need.

In proposing a motivation scheme for the employee, it is important to recognize this wants:

In the following paragraphs, we shall endeavour to identify some of the techniques for motivating the employee based on his wants – which we are mentioning below:

Pay: This want helps in satisfying physiological, security and egoistic needs. Employee needs to believe that he is paid a decent living wage, which compares, favoruably with what is offered in other organizations. However, the design of a monetary compensation system is exceedingly complex. Since it serves a satisfy multiple needs and cannot alone motivate the whole person.

Security of job: We are living in the age of automation. Machines are replacing human labour fast. Many people lose jobs for this reason. In Nigeria today, socio-economic problems make both the private and public sectors retrench workers. People no longer have confidence in any sector. This has greatly demoralized an average Nigerian worker. To be effectively motivated, the employees must be constantly assured of t eh security of this job.

Credit for work done: Excellent performance should be rewarded to boost the ego of the employee. This could be verbal praise, monetary, rewards for suggestions, awards, recognition for years of service, honesty.

Opportunity to advance: Most employees want opportunity for personal growth and development so as to be able to reach their greatest potential. This feeling is influenced by a cultural tradition of freedom and opportunity.

Environment: The want for good working environment rests upon multiple needs. Safe working environment emanates from the security need.

Specifically, attributes such as desks and rugs, good curtains, bright illumination constitute status symbols denoting a hierarchy of importance.

Competent and fair leadership: Good leadership ensures that the organization and its jobs will continue to exist. Moreover, human ego demand that one respect the person from whom orders and directions are to be received. Ti is very frustrating to the subjected personally to a command from an individual who is deemed unworthy and incompetent.

Meaningful job: This wants issues from both the need for recognition and the drive towards self-realization and achievement. This is a very difficult want to supply, especially in large organizations where work is divided into minute parts. Here, the employee would want his contributions to be recognized and significant.

The symptoms of poor motivation are indications and not causes of poor motivation. They include:
Ø Higher than the usual absenteeism and labour turnover.
Ø Dissatisfaction and low morale.
Ø Poor quality of work and higher spoilage rates.
Ø “Soldering” is reduced productivity.
Ø Deterioration of general attitude to work such as lack of cooperation, obstructive attitudes even declining standards of dressing and general conduct.
Ø Numerous incidences of industrial disputes and stoppages.

The following are some importance of motivation in an organization. They include:
It energizes, intensifies, directs and brings about persistence of effort towards attaining a goal.

It leads to improvement in the performance of task by the workers in an organization.

Job enrichment leads to challenges, achievements, recognitions and responsibilities.

It brings about opportunity for personal growth and development among employees so as to be able to reach their greatest potential.

Motivation in the area where the employee is allowed to participate in management decision-making leads to self-esteem as stated in Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory.

Motivation is the encouragement in cash and kind given to people in an organization to make them work well and willingly. Famous management theorists who have contributed to the theory of motivation include Maslow, Vroom, Hertzberg, McClelland and McGregor among others as stated in this project.

Certain factors influence the effectiveness of motivation efforts such as experience, desire, quoting and timing. There has been a lot of emphasis on the significance of monetary incentive especially in present-day Nigeria. Some even believe money is t eh only incentives desired by workers, about many compensation plans have failed due to over emphasis on salaries and wages. But, a lot of other things could motivate people and Nigerians in particular apart from money.

However, it is the poverty level of a society that influences how much role money plays as a motivator.

Agbato, J.O. (1988): The Nature of Management, Lagos: Heinemann Publishing Company.

Akintunde, O. (2005): How to Motivate Workers to Achieve Higher Productivity, Ibadan; Unpublished ND Theses, Business Studies, The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Bateman. T. and Snell. S. (1999): Management: Building Competitive Advantage, Boston: 4th Edition, McGraw Hill.

Donely Gibson (1984): Fundamental of Management Plan, USA: Texas Business Company.

Folajin Lakin (2001): Psychology Made Easy, Osogbo: Ife-Olu Printing Press, Station Road, Osogbo, Nigeria.

Luthans Fred (1998): Organizational Behaviour, Boston: 9th Edition, McGraw Hill.

Marc Wallec et al (1984): Managing Behaviour in Organization.

Olufunke. O. Oyenuga (2000): Principles of Management, Lagos: Tolafik Press.

Roger Oldman (1982): Management, London: Pan Book Publishing Company.

Schwartz, D. (1986): Introduction to Management Principles, Practice and Process, Javanovid, Harcourt Brake Publishing Cooperation.

Trewatha Newpoint (1982): Management, New York: Texas Business Company International.

Welsh, A.N. (1988): The Skills of Management, London: Gower Press Field Limited.


The task ahead of all researchers is to know or find answers to research questions and also ascertain either null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis. In achieving this objective, it is expedient for the researcher to use scientific procedure being tested, proven and acceptable.

This chapter obliges the approaches adopted in providing solution to questions, which this research work is base don, and a w ay of testing each of the hypothesis formulated. It aims at receiving research questions of this study and explaining the sampling and data collection procedure, together with the instrument to be used at the course of the information sourcing.

Furthermore, this chapter will usher me into the next chapter (i.e. 4): presentation and analysis of data. As the information source in this chapter will be raw materials needed in Chapter 4. it also ensures that relevant and up-data information is at reach.

The research questions are:
a. Tow hat extent does the personnel policy implemented by your company affect your productivity?

b. How often does the company embark on staff training and development?

c. Does your company clearly/respect trade union position of its employees?

d. Are there differences in the way staff and workers are treated in the organizations?

e. Is joint consultation practiced positively, as a method of obtaining employees’ views on problems and propose changes before final decisions are taken?

The research hypotheses are:
HO: The more there is effective motivations, the less the morale of employees.
H1: The more there is effective motivations, the more the morale of employees.

HO: Adoption of motivational techniques will automatically decrease the workers’ productivity.
H1: Adoption of motivational techniques will automatically increase the workers’ productivity.

HO: The success of an organization does not depend on t he motivational procedures being adopted.
H1: The success of an organization depends on the motivational procedures being adopted.

Research designing is the structuring of the investigation aimed at identifying variables and their relationship. Since statistics is not only concerned with organizing and analyzing data once they are assembled but also with the source of data and how data are collected for study.

Based on this research work, a survey research will be conducted which involves the assessment of the workers’ opinion on the effectiveness of motivation towards achieving hither productivity with the use of questionnaire.

With this, a reasonable solution will be professed tot eh earlier research problems.

The method to be used to generate and collect data for this research work is the questionnaire. This appears on the open-ended and the close-ended method of questionnaire presentation.

The questionnaire is a set of questions packaged to elicit data from the study. It deals with the general information on the data i.e. name and designation of the respondents and their occupation, position in the company and the departments the respondents belong to.

As the research is focused on motivation of workers, the population of the research will be the entire management team of Intercontinental Bank Plc. However, should the researcher has the opportunity to get in contact also with other important members and officers of the same organization that could be of help in getting the fact on the subject matter, there would not be hesitation in doing so. Based on the statement above, the research sample will precisely consist of 20 respondents randomly selected from the organization (i.e. Intercontinental Bank Plc). The respondents consulted are those that will give full, required and necessary information which the researcher desire for the study.

Due to lack of time and for the sake of simplicity in researching, simple random sampling would be used to select some workers.

The procedures for the analysis of the data have been divided into two parts:
a. Data presentation.
b. Content analysis.

The statistical tool to be used in testing the hypotheses is the Chi-Square analysis. The principle behind the Chi-Square test is that an observed set of values differs significantly from some expected or theoretical frequencies. It is thus a measure of discrepancy between the observed and expected frequencies and as given by:
X2 = E(O1 – E1)2

Where: O1 = the observed or actual frequencies and
E1 = the expected frequencies.

This will be the use of two variables Chi-Square which allows a test of the independence of two variables.

General procedures in carrying out the Chi-Square are as follows:
v Set up the null and alternative hypotheses.
v Compute the expected and observed frequencies.
v Compute Chi-square by substituting the observed and expected values into the Chi-square formula.
v Obtained the tabulated Chi-square at the pre-determined level, using the (r – 1) (c – 1) degree of freedom from two variables.
v If the calculated value is less than the tabulated, accept HO; otherwise, it will be rejected (H1). The pre-determined ∝ level is 0.05.

Both primary and secondary data will be needed for this research work:
i. Primary data: These are data collected directly from respondents for the purpose of this study. Questionnaires will be used together with the needed primary data.

ii. Secondary data: These are data already collected (published or unpublished) by another persons. For the purpose of this study, published annual reports of the company (i.e. under the research work) will be used to collect detail secondary data. Management textbooks and other related articles and journals (if any) will also be used or apply as appropriate.

Questionnaires would be drawn and administered to the management team and other important officers of the Bank. The questionnaires will be divided into three sections.

Section A will contain personal data questions, Section B will contain organization’s data while Section C will contain questions the area of research topic. The research takes a random sampling method of choosing its respondents.

In the course of doing so, the researcher will introduce himself to one of the staff at the company, stating their mission and requesting for the truest of the respondents in supplying the relevant and necessary information.

To start with, methodology is defined as the means, techniques and frames of references of arriving at dependable solution to problem through planned and collection, analysis and interpretation of data.

So, since the scope of the study or research is base don the management who are the decision-makers in the organization, their busy schedule might be a source of impediment (hindrance) to him (i.e. the researcher) in really getting all their attention administering to the questionnaire for the purpose of the study.

Furthermore, there might be unwillingness on the part of the respondents to divulge some vital information being asked through the structured questionnaire, which will also constitute part of the limitation to the methodology.

Lastly, the limitation is also subjected to the ability of the researcher as well.


Adebayo, A.O. (1998): Understanding Statistics, Lagos: JAS Publishes.

Olagunju, Y.A. and Awoyokun, A.A. (2004): Element of Research Techniques, Ibadan: Highland Publishers.

Owojori, A.A. (2002): Managerial Research, Kaycee Publishers, Fist Edition.



So far in this study, the focus has been on the general background of the research topic, literature review and the methodology used in carrying out the research work.

However, in this chapter, the data generated through the different sources especially the questionnaire, would be presented and analyzed. This chapter w ill thus form the crux of the study because without it, the work did so far will just be mere mental exertion and futile activities. Without the questions and hypotheses being tested and either accepted or rejected as the case may be, then the work is incomplete.

Therefore, the hypotheses and questions testing would be done using the method mentioned in paragraph 3.6 and therefore interpretation would be given based on the research questions and hypotheses testing.

The respondents were men and women who were knowledgeable in the human relation matter of the organization. There were twenty (20) questionnaires altogether in which were administered by top, middle and lower-level managements.

The respondents’ characteristics and classifications are presented into tables below:

Table 4.1: Age Classification


Under 20 years
21 – 30 years
31 – 40 years
Above 40 years

Table 4.2: Sample size distribution

Source: Field Survey, 2008.

Summary: From the above, the sample size is 20 respondents that completed the questionnaire and they comprises of 13 male and 7 female.

Table 4.3: Organization data

Intercontinental Bank Plc
Over N500 million
Source: Field Survey, 2008.
Summary: From the above, it is clear that the bank is a large one with a turnover that is over N500 million.

Under this paragraph, the responses to the questions raised in the questionnaire would be presented in a tabular form for easy analysis. Although about 12 questions were raised in the questionnaire, those that are related to the relevant research questions.

As a result of t his, only 3 of the research questions will be presented in the tabular form and analyses as expected. They are questions 16, 20 and 21 respectively. The following keys are used for each of the respondents:
T = Top-level management.
M = Middle-level management.
L = Lower-level management.

Table 4.4: Are the differences in the way staff and workers are treated in your organization?

Source: Field Survey, 2008.

Summary: The above table shows that 75% of the respondents say that there are no differences in the way staff and workers are treated in the organization, while 25% say there are differences.

Table 4.5: Your company clearly define/respect trade union position of its employees?
Source: Field Survey, 2008.

Summary: The above shows that 85% of the respondents say that company clearly defined/respect trade union position of its employees while 15% say otherwise.

Table 4.6: Is joint consultation practiced positively, as a method of obtaining employees’ views on problems and proposed charges before final decisions are taken?

Source: Field Survey, 2008.

Summary: The above shows that 75% of the respondents agreed that joint consultation is being practiced positively in getting employees’ view while 25% disagree.

In this paragraph, the relevant research questions raised in the questionnaire would be presented in both tabular form and analyzed using Chi-square.

Hypothesis 1:
Table 4.7: Do workers’ motivation effective in achieving higher productivity?
Source: Field Survey, 2008.

Analysis of the data above will be done using Chi-square formula:
X2cal = E(O – E)2
Where: O = Observed frequency
E = Expected frequency = rT x cT
Where: rT = row total
cT = column total
GT = ground total

Table 4.8:
O – E
(O – E)2
(O – E)2


X2Cal = 1.2208

The decision rule is that, if the X2cal < X2tab, accept the H1 hypothesis and reject if otherwise. The hypothesis is tested with 0.05 level of significance using the related degree of freedom. D.F = (R – 1) (C – 1) Where: R = Row = (2 – 1) (3 – 1) C = Column = 2

So, restating hypothesis I HO: The more there is effective motivation, the less the morale of employees. H1: The more there is effective motivation, the more the morale of employees. From table 4.8: TheX2cal = 1.2208. And the X2tab at 0.05 level of significance = 5.991.

Decision: Since the X2cal < X2tab, we accept the H1 and reject the HO. Hypothesis II: Table 4.9: Does adoption of motivational technique automatically increase workers’ productivity?

RESPONDENTS RESPONSE T M L TOTAL % Yes No 1 -- 6 2 9 1 16 3 75 25 TOTAL 1 8 10 19 100 Source: Field Survey, 2008. Table 4.10:

CALL O E O – E (O – E)2 (O – E)2 E 1,1 1,2 1,3 2,1 2,2 2,3 1 6 9 -- 2 1 0.84 6.74 8.42 0.16 1.26 1.58 0.16 -0.74 0.58 -0.16 0.74 -0.58 0.0256 0.5476 0.3364 0.0256 0.05476 0.3364 0.0305 0.0812 0.0400 1.0000 0.4246 0.2129 1.7992 X2Cal = 1.7992

The decision rule is that, if the X2cal < X2tab, accept the H1 hypothesis and reject if otherwise. The hypothesis is tested with 0.05 level of significance using the related degree of freedom. D.F = (R – 1) (C – 1) Where: R = Row = (2 – 1) (3 – 1) C = Column = 2

So, restating hypothesis II HO: Adoption of motivational technique will automatically decrease the workers’ productivity. H1: Adoption of motivational technique will automatically increase the workers’ productivity. From table 4.10:

TheX2cal = 1.7992 And the X2tab at 0.05 level of significance = 5.991. Decision: Since the X2cal < X2tab, we accept the H1 and reject the HO. Hypothesis III: Table 4.11: Has motivation brought about success in your organization’s operation?

RESPONDENTS RESPONSE T M L TOTAL % Yes No 1 -- 8 -- 9 1 18 1 75 25 TOTAL 1 8 10 19 100 Source: Field Survey, 2008. Table 4.11: CALL O E O – E (O – E)2 (O – E)2 E 1,1 1,2 1,3 2,1 2,2 2,3 1 8 9 -- -- 1 0.95 7.58 9.47 0.053 0.42 0.53 0.05 0.42 -0.47 -0.053 -0.42 0.47 0.0025 0.1764 0.2209 0.0028 0.1764 0.2209 0.0026 0.0233 0.0233 0.0528 1.0000 0.4168 1.5188 X2Cal = 1.5188

The decision rule is that, if the X2cal < X2tab, accept the H1 hypothesis and reject if otherwise. The hypothesis is tested with 0.05 level of significance using the related degree of freedom. D.F = (R – 1) (C – 1) Where: R = Row = (2 – 1) (3 – 1) C = Column = 2

So, restating hypothesis III HO: The success of an organization does not depend on the motivational procedures being adopted. H1: The success of an organization depends on the motivational procedures being adopted. From table 4.11: TheX2cal = 1.5188 And the X2tab at 0.05 level of significance = 5.991. Decision: Since the X2cal < X2tab, we accept the H1 and reject the HO.

4.5 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS Based on the work done so far in this chapter, especially in paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 respectively, together with other questions administered by the respondents in the questionnaire, it was discovered that motivation is very effective in achieving higher productivity. Joint consultation is being practiced positively, as a method of obtaining employees views on problems and proposed changes before final decisions are taken. Management incorporated different means such as: promotion of staff, good remuneration, welfare service, training and education on job and provision of scholarship and awards to retain the loyalty of their staff. Conclusively, one can deduce that motivation of workers is essential and indispensable towards realizing organizational goals.


The aim of this study is to determine whether motivation is effective in achieving higher productivity among workers in Intercontinental Bank Plc, other relevant areas which the study highlighted are: the reaction of the workers towards their duties when motivation is employed by the employer and how the managers can apply motivational theories of management in their attempt to direct the job behaviour of employees towards the goals of their establishment.

The general description of the area of study, which depicted the inevitability of motivation in achieving higher productivity in an organization, was stated. In the course of the study, statement of problem such as; workers leaving the organization due to poor motivation, their unwillingness to perform their duties well and how to motivate them to achieving desired productivity level were pointed out.

To ascertain the application of the motivational techniques by the organization concerned and to know the problem inhibiting the success of the employees’ motivation in the organization forms essential part of the objectives of the study. Questions relating to the objectives and problems were also looked at.

The study looked into some review literatures that covered different models and theories on motivation by different scholars, various definitions given by several management scholars, different means of motivating workers or simply type of motivation and the importance of motivation. Various textbooks, journals, articles and other scholarly materials were used to get terms, ideas, concepts and academic as well as professional view points.

The management team of Intercontinental Bank Plc, together with important officers of the organization were selected as the study population with the use of simple random sampling. Both primary and secondary data were also used for this research work. The primary data was based on questionnaire while the secondary data was based on published and unpublished works. The data collected w ere processed and analyzed through the use of Chi-square.


From the assertions of the respondents to questions answered in the questionnaire administered to them, certain conclusions could be made. Firstly, motivation is employed on regular basis. The fact that motivation is employed regularly shows its importance in achieving higher productivity among workers. It was also observed that its level of reliability and relevance towards productivity cannot be over-emphasized.

Furthermore, its usefulness in sustaining the efficiency and effectiveness of workers in the organization further reveals its indispensability. Moreso, various means of motivation such as, good remuneration, welfare services and training of staff etc has been brought into limelight that was used in the organization. On the issue of personal data in the questionnaire, it was observed that the male workers in the company, i.e. Intercontinental Bank Plc are more than the female counterparts.

This implies that, more male are being employed than female in the organization. Conclusively, the task of using motivation to achieving higher productivity is worthy considering all these accruing benefits stated earlier.


The following are the recommendations which are found useful and if rationally adopted, will go a long way in enhancing the effectiveness and the usefulness of motivation in achieving higher productivity in the organization. These recommendations include: v Since motivation in very effective towards achieving higher productivity, there is need for the management of Intercontinental Bank Plc to regularly use it in order to benefit from its effectiveness.

The company should continuously embark on recruitment and training of staff in response to their needs. v Management of the bank should consider the employment of more female staff since naturally, it will serve as motivation for the male counterpart in interacting with opposite sex, producing social liveliness that also encourage efficiency and effectiveness in an organization.

The various means for motivation discovered and stated in the chapter two and in the conclusion of this research work should be strictly adhered to by the management so that productivity level enjoy in the course of using motivation can be maintained and even increased. v The packages (incentives) should be enjoyed by all the workers without any discrimination and discrepancy to prevent loopholes to achieving their organization’s goals.


The questionnaires suffered a poor response from the top-level management due to their tight and busy schedules in which their absolute positive response would have given perfect judgment on the effectiveness of motivation towards higher productivity. Moreso, the research work could not cover wide range of respondents due to time and financial constraints. With these, it would be suggested that any other researcher(s) willing to do his/her/their research work on this area should endeavour to get much of the opinions from middle and lower-level management who were not as busy as the top-level managers. Conclusively, future researchers in this area of work should base their research work on all or some selected companies in the Banking Industry in order to have a wider scope of its (i.e. motivation) effectiveness and the Banking sector.


Adedayo, A.O. (1998): Understanding Statistics, Lagos: JAS Publishers.

Agbato, J.O. (1988): The Nature of Management, Lagos: Heinemann Publishing Company.

Ajayi Nelson (1991): Managerial Planning and Control, Ibadan: University of Ibadan Press Limited.

Akintunde, O. (2005): How to Motivate Workers to Achieve Higher Productivity, Ibadan: Unpublished ND Theses, Business Studies, The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Bateman, T. and Snell, S. (1991): Management: Building Competitive Advantage, Boston: 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Books International.

Donely Gibson (1984): Fundamental of Management Plan, USA: Texas Business Company

. Folajin Lakin (2001): Psychology Made Easy, Osogbo: Ife Olu Printing Press, Station Road, Osogbo, Nigeria.

Kolawole, E.O. (2002): The Effectiveness of Auditor Report on Management Decision-Making of Some Selected Companies in Insurance Industries, Lagos: Unpublished B.Sc. Accounting, University of Ado-Ekiti, Davis Binders & Printers.

Luthans Fred (1998): Organizational Behaviour, Boston: 8th Edition, McGraw Bill Books International.

Marc Wallec et al (1984): Managing Behaviour in Organizations. Olagunju, Y.A. and Awoyokun, A.A. (2004): Element of Research Techniques, Ibadan: Highland Publishers, Ibadan, Nigeria. Olufunke O. Oyenuga (2000): Principles of Management, Lagos: Tolafik Press. Owojori, A.A. (2002): Managerial Research, Lagos: Kaycee Publishers. Roger Oldman (1982): Management, London: London Pan Book Publishing Company. Schwartz. D. (1986): Introduction to Management Principles, Practice and Process, Javanovid, Harcourt Brake Publishing Cooperation. Trewatha Newpoint (1982): Management: USA: Texas Business Company International. Selsh, A.N. (1988): The Skill of Management, London: London Gower Press Field Limited. JOURNAL: Intercontinental Bank Plc (2005): Annual Reports and Accounts. MONOGRAPH: Wole Adesina (2002): Project Writing Manual, Unpublished. QUESTIONNAIRE Department of Business Administration, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Lagos, Lagos State. Dear Sir/Ma, RE: QUESTIONNAIRE I am a final year HND Student of the above mentioned institution and I am writing a research project on “The Effect of Motivation on Workers Productivity”, as part of the requirements for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Administration. In light of this, I would need some information to assist me in completing the attached questionnaire. Your responses will be made confidential. I count much on you in this regard. Yours faithfully, Researcher RESEEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION A: PERSONAL DATA Please tick where applicable in the box/space provided below: 1. Sex: a. Male [ ] b. Female [ ] 2. Marital status: a. Single [ ] b. Married [ ] 3. Age: a. Under 20 years [ ] b. 21 – 30 years [ ] c. 31 – 40 years [ ] d. 40 and above [ ] 4. Academic and professional qualifications: a. OND/NCE holder [ ] b. B.Sc./HND holder [ ] c. M.Sc./MBA holder [ ] d. Professional (Please specify): _________________________ 5. Post/Rank: ___________________________________________ 6. Working experience: a. Less than 10 years [ ] b. Between 11 – 19 years [ ] c. Between 20- 29 years [ ] d. Over 30 years [ ] SECTION B: ORGANIZATIONAL DATA 7. Name of the company: _________________________________ 8. Size of the company: a. Small [ ] b. Medium [ ] c. Large [ ] 9. Turnover: a. Below N100 million [ ] b. Between N100 – N300 million [ ] c. Between N300 – N500 million [ ] d. Over N500 million [ ] 10. Department: ___________________________________________ SECTION C: IMPACT OF MOVITATION ON WORKERS’ PRODUCTIVITY 11. Do workers motivation effective in achieving higher productivity? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] 12. If yes, how effective is it for higher productivity? a. Fairly effective [ ] b. Very effective [ ] c. No effective [ ] d. I don’t know [ ] 13. Is there boosting in the performance of the employees as a result of motivation? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] 14. Does adoption of motivational technique automatically increase workers’ productivity? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] 15. Has motivation brought about success in your organization’s operations? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] 16. Are there differences in the way staff and workers are treated in your organization? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] c. If yes, is anything being done to remove these differences? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. How often does your company embark on training and recruitment of staff? a. All year round [ ] b. Quarterly [ ] c. Occasionally [ ] d. In response to the needs of each department [ ] 18. Has your company at any time in the past suffered low turnover as a result of the personnel policy being implemented? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] 19. What has your company done to retain the loyalty of its staff? a. Promotion of staff yearly [ ] b. Good remuneration [ ] c. Welfare service [ ] d. Training and education on job [ ] e. Scholarships and awards [ ] f. Please indicate any combination above: __________________ 20. Does your company clearly define/respect trade union position of its employees? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] 21. Is joint consultation practiced positively as a method of obtaining employees views on problems and proposed charges before final decisions are taken? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] 22. From the responses so far, will you conclude that motivation of workers is relevance and indispensable to your organization’s higher productivity? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ]

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